Publishers of Percussion Music, Books and Recordings since 1992!
Whats New:
FREE CD's, Special offer: order any sheet music titles by Thomas Marceau or Robert E. Kreutz and receive a complimentary CD of their compositions.Forthcoming Events:
PAS Italy 2019
The 17th annual Italy Percussion Competition and Festival will be held in September (2019) in Montesilvano-Pescara (Italy). The festival features an international panel of judges and performers and will host students from around the globe.
About Us
GREETINGS and welcome to our web-site! HoneyRock has developed and offered, with a singular purpose, a broad range of high quality percussion literature, since 1992. Our company has evolved over the years to focus our publishing efforts to include up-and-coming composers as well as composers who have been recognized in the industry for many decades. We have, more recently, become involved in several composition contests which have gleaned NEW titles which lead the way in the repertoire. . . . marching to the beat of a different drummer . . .
WITHIN the Website, you will find descriptions of an eclectic collection of percussion music - hundreds of titles - including solos, ensembles and percussion features with wind ensemble and/or orchestra accompaniment. These titles offer a unique and noteworthy sampling of percussion performance literature and pedagogical perspective.
WITH regard to difficulty, our performance literature runs the gamut, from beginning level works accessible to younger players, to those works that will challenge the most adventuresome college level players and professional performers.
FROM this outstanding collection of contemporary percussion literature - we hope and expect you will find something that will help you make a joyful noise.
THANK YOU for visiting our site.
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